Saturday, April 11, 2009

Weekend Stuff software crashes yay (as opposed to the last 2 years) so I still have the file intact. Each year I do family taxes and my mom's taxes. Each year I start out early, end up waiting for info, or something else, and finish up later than I wanted to. But at least they're finished now and the rest of the weekend is ready to roll. My mominlaw is here and tomorrow afternoon/night we're trucking up to "da cousins" to visit my sister's family and my mom for Easter. But even before that, we have some major expectant type things going on at church. This afternoon we (worship team for this week) will be practicing with a guest guitarist who helped us out once before when we were short on people. He is excellent and I'm sure will be ready. The practice will be longer than planned because he was unable to make the lengthy trip up for our regular Thursday practice, but that's ok too because I love playing music anyway lol.

tick tock tick tock....

Practice was good. There are some difficulties with the way the stage is set up, but we'll make it work. This evening's communion/end-of-fast service was really good. We don't take communion very often (perhaps once a year??), probably because of the logistics problems of a portable church. I remember having communion once a month in my dad's churches. A church I belonged to when I was in Texas also had it once a month. However, in all the other churches I've ever associated with communion was at most once a quarter, sometimes once a year. Hopefully we'll be doing it more when we are able. But if you only have it once a year, then Easter is a great time to have it.

During setting up for practice and tomorrow, I ended up in another discussion with our main sound dude about the usage of amps onstage. We're never going to agree on it. On the way home tonight I think I've figured out why there is such a divergent, polar/opposite opinion on the issue. It's relatively straightforward, but I'm going to postpone explaining my take about the reason(s) for the differences in opinion until tomorrow or Monday. And then I'd like some feedback :-) from you musicians and sound tekkies. Right now my brain hurts so if I tried to talk about it now I'm afraid I may say something that will result in my being muted in tomorrow's services LOL (eh David? LOL).

Later...and be careful out there.

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