Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I know you had 900+, but...

Ok - I finally heard some definitive criticism of our church and it was rather interesting...
from a person who's been there a grand total of 1, MAYBE 2 times(2 or 3 years ago)
and after the weekend of our highest attendance ever (this past Easter Sunday).

Apparently the only reason our church is growing is "because of the show" (i.e., the lights, band, etc.), which takes up a total of an average of 14 minutes out of a (usually) 75 minute service. The growth and number of baptisms we have experienced as a church apparently has nothing to do with the 45 minute verse by verse Bible teaching of our Pastor. It has nothing to do with the 282 volunteers (many who get to the school between 530 and 7am and many others who don't leave until 3pm or so) who work to make sure people know where to go and can worship free from many distractions. It has nothing to do with the prayer teams and Lifegroups who meet in peoples' homes during the week and pray for our community, our leadership, and for God's blessing on every aspect of the service.

Wow. What a waste of energy. Why don't we just give out DVDs and/or CDs instead of going to all the trouble? If all it takes to grow is to hand out CDs and DVDs then let's just sell everything, forget the building, just buy a computer (maybe even a MAC) and upload YOUTUBE videos and hope people watch them. Oh yea - we don't have a building to sell because we meet in a school - mmmm... = what a showy place!!!!

Maybe we should get all the churches to sell all their buildings and give the money to 3rd-world countries...except for the computer of course and the money to pay for the internet connection cuz you have to still do the YOUTUBE thing. mmmm maybe all the churches who dress up, have choir robes, and a $20,000 organ and $10,000 baby grand piano should sell everything because its just for looks and sound. Lets just start using megaphones (battery-powered of course) and get rid of the PA systems because they are just for show to just sound better and louder. Get rid of all the lights and just use the light from windows in the building to light up the stage oops pulpit because you don't really need to see anything because that would be just for show.

oh well

rant over

I'm glad I'm part of a church that will do anything it can to reach people far from God so they can hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. It sure beats spinning wheels.

Later...and be careful out there.

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