Friday, April 10, 2009


It's Friday again - one day I'll never get tired of. It has been a rollercoaster of a week, but then that's no different than any other week come to think of it. Imagine riding a rollercoaster with no rolls...flat. People fall to sleep driving a straight stretch of road not just because they may be tired, but because its boring and the hypnotic effect of whiteline fever takes over.

It would be kind of boring to be on an even keel all the time. Living a monotone life would have the same attraction as a monaural vs stereo mp3, a monochrome/b&w vs HiDefColor tv, a monotone voice delivering an hour and a half lecture, .... you get the picture. True, there are sometimes that "mono" has its place as something different, unique, out of the ordinary - but it is never good as the "norm" (although it would make clothes-matching a lot easier for us guys).

So yea, I'm glad it's Friday. Fridays mark an omega-alpha type of thing. It's the end (omega) of the vast majority of regular workweeks, and it's the beginning (alpha) of the weekend when things are done that you don't have time for during the week - working in/around the house, day-trips/outings with family/friends, church, relaxing, staying up late to watch a movie or the stuff you've tivo'd/dvr'd during the week. Most Fridays for me are family nights, either playing some games together, watching a movie together, or something similar.

Today, Friday marks even more than the usual omega-alpha thing. I would reverse the phrase and say it has an alpha-omega thing going on. Known as 'good Friday', it marks the anniversary of the full expression of Jesus' love for people and for this world. You see it's not just a special day for Christians. It's a special day for everyone who has ever and who will ever be born because, whether you acknowledge or accept it or not, He loved you enough to die for you, taking your place before God the Father the Righteous. The free gift of salvation that He offers to every person is just waiting to be unwrapped. In fact if you've never trusted in Jesus, you've left the biggest Christmas present you'll ever have under the tree, marked with YOUR name, unwrapped. Jesus said He is the Alpha and the Omega (the beginning and the end). That will never going to change.

So this Friday, this day, has more meaning to me than other Fridays. Hopefully, come Sunday and in the days beyond, it will have that same meaning to many more people.

Later - and be careful out there.

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