Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Obama - "We do not consider ourselves a christian nation..."

Through all the years as a citizen of the United States, I've seen our country going through some of the toughest times in its history, especially in relationship with Presidents.

Kennedy assassination (as a toddler I remember seeing the funeral procession on tv)
60s riots
Nixon and Watergate
Jimmy Carter
The Reagan Rebound
Bush I
Billy-Bob Clinton
Bush II, 9/11, and war on terror
and now Obama

There have been times when I've agreed with Presidential elections and actions, and times when I've disagreed with Presidential elections and actions. But whichever the case, I've usually been able to hold at least some level of respect for the President. Until now. Early indications of things Obama prioritized were the standard, 'left'-knee jerk reaction of liberals on all fronts. But now he's taking us as a country down an uncharted path - uncharted, of course, except by the Persians, Greeks, Romans, et al - all of whom denied TRUTH and disintegrated internally. History repeats itself.

To say what he said as an off-the-cuff remark over dinner, or a 'too-quick' response to a question is one thing. But a planned speech, topics having been chosen by close advisors and Obama himself, worded and written by speech writing experts as a planned thought/idea to be formally presented as President of the United

The amazing possibility, of course, is that God allowed this whole situation to develop and happen for one reason and one reason get Christians to finally really PRAY for our country and leadership. Because, on a Wednesday night when the vast majority of churches have mid-week prayer meetings, etc., if there is not a prayer-drenched aroma over Obama and our country reaching the senses of God tonight, then there is only one conclusion to draw - Obama is right.

Later...and be careful out there.

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